The 'Classification of Environmental Conditions and Classification of Environmental Parameter Groups and Their Severity Grading Part 1: Storage' drafted by ORT has been officially released by the State Administration for Market Regulation

Release Date:


1、 Basic information of the standard:

Standard name: Classification of environmental conditions - Classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity levels - Part 1: Storage

Standard number: GB/T 4798.1-2019/IEC60721-3-1: 2018

This standard replaces GB/T 4798.1-2005 'Environmental conditions for the application of electrical and electronic products - Part 1: Storage'

This standard was issued on August 30, 2019 and implemented on March 1, 2020.

This standard is under the jurisdiction of TC8 (National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing of Electrical and Electronic Products) and is implemented by TC8/SC2 (Climate and Environmental Testing Branch of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing of Electrical and Electronic Products). The competent department is the National Standardization Management Committee.

Scope of this standard:

This part of GB/T4798 is applicable to the classification of environmental parameters and their severity for stored products. The product can be packaged during storage.

The environmental conditions referred to in this section are limited to those that directly affect the product and its basic performance, and there is no specific description of these conditions in this section

The impact of the product.

This section does not include the direct impact of fire or explosion on the product.

The conditions for fixed use, carrying and non fixed use, and transportation by vehicle and ship are described in other parts of IEC60721-3.

This section specifies the environmental conditions that products may encounter during storage. The environmental conditions during transportation and loading are described in IEC60721-3-2.

General requirements:

The product may be exposed to multiple environmental parameters simultaneously. For example, solar radiation and temperature, temperature and humidity, and vibration and temperature changes. The combination of environmental parameters may increase the stress on the product. Therefore, the combination of environmental parameters should be considered in the process of product design and evaluation.

When designing products, consideration should be given to the different environments they will withstand during storage and operation. Usually, they are influenced by environmental factors in two ways:

——- Short term extreme environmental conditions that may directly lead to product failure or damage;

——Long term exposure to non extreme environmental stresses may lead to degradation of product performance, ultimately leading to product failure or damage.

During the service life of the product, short-term extreme environmental conditions may occur at any time. When the product is new, extreme environmental conditions may not have an impact on it; But when it is used for a period of time, aging has a certain impact on it, and the same environmental conditions can cause damage. The order of application environmental conditions may affect the evaluation results.

The environmental level serves as the basis for selecting the severity level of design and testing that may lead to product failure. IEC 60721-3 (all parts) provides

The information is used to assist in determining expected requirements for use, storage, transportation, and the development of relevant technical documents. The selected test environment level should attempt to simulate the impact of the actual environment.

Classification of environmental conditions and their severity:

This document outlines six categories of unnecessary environmental conditions, namely climatic environmental conditions (K), special climatic environmental conditions (Z), biological environmental conditions (B), chemically active substances (C), mechanically active substances (S), and mechanical conditions (M), and describes them in different levels.

Climatic environmental conditions (K)

Note: All old ratings have been replaced by new ratings. The new classification reflects three different storage conditions: enclosed, shaded, and outdoor.

The climatic conditions during product storage range from 1K20 to 1K29. These levels have been widely used worldwide for a long time, taking into account all possible influencing parameters, such as outdoor climate factors, building structure types, temperature and humidity control systems, and indoor conditions (such as equipment and human heat dissipation). Climate conditions include all normal situations, but do not include unexpected events.

To choose an appropriate level, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the climate and environmental conditions inside the building are affected by the outdoor environment, especially the temperature, solar radiation, and building structure. A wall with good insulation or large heat capacity can alleviate the peak diurnal variation of outdoor temperature (except for long duration). Walls with poor insulation or low heat capacity do not have this effect, and peak values may also increase due to solar radiation during the day and building heat dissipation at night. The impact of solar radiation can also increase due to heat absorption or greenhouse effects.

The special climate conditions in places without climate protection have a more significant impact on products and main components than in places with climate protection. Special consideration should be given to temperature changes, solar radiation protection, precipitation, wind speed, and cold wind factors.

The severity of these effects will be affected, such as the details of the building (type and thickness of materials, surface color, sealing of the housing shell, etc.) and the storage conditions (storage location and selected wind and climate protection measures).

Closed storage:

1K20: Suitable for fully air-conditioned enclosed storage areas, continuously controlling temperature and humidity to meet certain requirements.

1K21: Suitable for enclosed storage areas with temperature control, but without humidity control.

1K22: Suitable for enclosed storage areas without temperature and humidity control.

Sheltered storage:

1K23: Suitable for sheltered storage locations in tropical, arid, temperate, and cold climate conditions, which are affected by the thermal effects of solar radiation.

1K24: Suitable for sheltered storage sites in polar climate conditions, which are affected by the thermal effects of solar radiation.

Outdoor storage:

1K25: Suitable for outdoor storage in humid and hot climates.

1K26: Suitable for outdoor storage in hot and dry climates and temperate climates.

1K27: Suitable for outdoor storage in cold and polar climates.

Special climatic and environmental conditions (Z)

The special climate environmental conditions, ranging from 1Z1 to 1Z11, describe five environmental parameters: 'thermal radiation, surrounding air movement, solar radiation, snow load, and water other than rainfall'.

Biological Environmental Conditions (B)

The severity level of biological environmental conditions ranging from 1B1 to 1B3 is described as follows:

1B1: Suitable for storage places with environmental control, that is, products are stored in places without mold growth and to prevent animal harm.

1B2: Suitable for storage locations without environmental or physical means, i.e. where products are stored in areas where mold growth or animal harm (excluding termites) occurs.

1B3: Suitable for places with termite hazards.

Chemical active substance (C)

The condition grading of chemical active substances is 1C1-1C3, and their severity level is described as follows:

1C1: Suitable for rural and some urban areas with less industrial activities and moderate transportation. Urban winter heating may cause

Pollution has worsened.

1C2: Suitable for places with general pollution, industrial production activities distributed in various regions, or in cities with heavy traffic. Salt mist may appear in coastal areas.

1C3: Suitable for locations adjacent to industrial chemical pollution sources. Salt mist may appear in coastal areas.

Mechanical active substance conditions (S)

Note: All old ratings have been replaced by new ratings. The new classification reflects three different storage conditions: enclosed, shaded, and outdoor.

The severity level of mechanically active substances with conditions ranging from 1S10 to 1CS13 is described as follows:

1S10: Suitable for enclosed storage areas that have adopted dust prevention facilities to minimize dust content.

1S11: Suitable for enclosed storage areas without special protective measures to minimize the content of dust and sand, but not located near dust or sand sources. These enclosed storage areas include shipping containers.

1S12: Suitable for enclosed storage areas close to sand and dust sources, including those in urban areas where the content of sand or dust is minimized. It is also suitable for outdoor storage areas that are not affected by natural sandstorms or important industrial activities.

1S13: Suitable for outdoor storage of windy sand and dust in the air due to natural conditions or industrial activities.

Mechanical environmental conditions (M)

The mechanical environmental conditions mainly use vibration and shock as storage locations, and the mechanical environmental conditions are classified as 1M10~1M13. The severity level is described as follows:

1M10: Suitable for storage areas without obvious vibration and impact.

1M12: Suitable for storage areas with slight vibrations and impacts, such as vibrations caused by nearby air conditioners, machines, or vehicles passing by.

1M13: Suitable for storage areas with obvious vibrations and impacts, such as those caused by heavy machinery or transmission belts nearby.

2、 Standard drafting unit:

This part is proposed and under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Electrical and Electronic Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing (SAC/TC8).

Drafting units for this part: China Electric Appliance Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Institute of Metrology and Quality Testing, Shenzhen Youruite Testing Technology Co., Ltd., State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Aerospace Science and Engineering Defense Technology Research and Test Center, Guangzhou Standardization Research Institute, and Ningbo Ouzhi Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.

The main drafters of this section are Liu Xin, Zhan Yang, Mei Liguang, Sun Jun, Li Guo, Xiao Jinfeng, Ke Cilong, Li Xiaoqian, and Sheng Lijian.

3、 Establishment of environmental profile

There are two methods for establishing product environmental profiles:

1. According to the actual usage environment of the product, this method is highly targeted, but has high cost and heavy workload. Professional teams and tools are required for measurement, analysis, and tailoring.

2. Adopting relevant standards, the IEC 60721 series of standards is a very complete set of environmental profile standards, which are standardized by TC 8. The relevant information of this series of standards is summarized as follows:

National standard

 Standard Name

Corresponding IEC standard number

GB/Z 32126

Climate Field Data and Its Validation

IEC/TR 62130

GB/T 4796 

Classification of environmental conditions Environmental parameters and their severity


GB/T 4797.1

Classification of environmental conditions Natural environmental conditions Temperature and humidity


GB/T 4797.2         

Classification of environmental conditions Natural environmental conditions Atmospheric pressureIEC60721-2-3 
GB/T 4797.3  Natural environmental conditions for electrical and electronic products BiologicalIEC 60721-2-7

GB/T 4797.4  

Natural environmental conditions for electrical and electronic products - Solar radiation and temperatureIEC60721-2-4 

GB/T 4797.5

Classification of environmental conditions Natural environmental conditions Precipitation and wind

IEC 60721-2-2  
GB/T 4797.6

Classification of environmental conditions Natural environmental conditions Dust, sand, salt mist

IEC 60721-2-5 

GB/T 4797.7  

Classification of environmental conditions for electrical and electronic engineering - Natural environmental conditions - Earthquake vibration and shock

IEC 60721-2-6 

GB/T 4798.1Classification of environmental conditions - Classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity levels - Part 1: Storage

IEC 60721-3-1

GB/T 4798.2Environmental conditions for the application of electrical and electronic products - Part 2: TransportIEC 60721-3-2  

GB/T 4798.3

Environmental conditions for the application of electrical and electronic products - Part 3: Fixed use in places with climate protection

IEC 60721-3-3 

GB/T 4798.4 Environmental conditions for the application of electrical and electronic products - Part 4: Fixed use in places without climate protection

IEC 60721-3-4 

GB/T 4798.5  Environmental conditions for the application of electrical and electronic products - Part 5: Ground vehicle useIEC 60721-3-5
GB/T 4798.6Classification of environmental conditions and classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity for marine useIEC 60721-3-6  
GB/T 4798.7Environmental conditions for the application of electrical and electronic products - Part 7: Portable and non fixed useIEC 60721-3-7  
GB/T 4798.9Classification of environmental conditions - Classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity levels - Microclimate within productsIEC 60721-3-9 
GB/T 4798.10Introduction to Environmental Conditions for the Application of Electrical and Electronic ProductsIEC 60721-3-0
GB/T 20159.1 Classification of Environmental Conditions - Relationship and Conversion Guidelines between Classification of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing - StorageIEC/TR 60721-4-1                                 
GB/T 20159.2Classification of Environmental Conditions - Guidelines for the Relationship and Conversion between Classification of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing - Transportation

IEC/TR 60721-4-2                           

GB/T 20159.3Classification of Environmental Conditions - Guidelines for the Relationship and Conversion between Classification of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing - Part 3: Fixed Use of Climate Protected SitesIEC/TR 60721-4-3
GB/T 20159.4Classification of environmental conditions - Guidelines for the relationship and conversion between classification of environmental conditions and environmental testing - Part 4: Fixed use in places without climate protectionIEC/TR 60721-4-4
GB/T 20159.5 Classification of environmental conditions - Guidelines for the relationship and conversion between environmental condition classification and environmental testing - Ground vehicle useIEC/TR 60721-4-5
GB/T 20159.6Classification of Environmental Conditions - Guidelines for the Relationship and Conversion between Classification of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing - Marine ApplicationsIEC/TR 60721-4-6
GB/T 20159.7Classification of Environmental Conditions - Relationship and Conversion Guidelines between Classification of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing - Carrying and Non fixed Use    IEC/TR 60721-4-7
GB/T 20159.8Introduction to the Relationship and Conversion Guidelines between Environmental Condition Classification and Environmental TestingIEC/TR 60721-4-0


Note: The environmental testing standards for electrical and electronic products are gradually changing to environmental testing standards, indicating that the scope of application of such standards is expanding and not only applicable to electrical and electronic products.


4、ORT participated in drafting and published standards:

1. GB/T 35774-2017 'Specification for Performance Testing of Transport Packaging Components'

2. GB/T 4857.1-2019 'Basic Testing of Packaging, Transportation, and Packaging Components - Part 1: Marking Methods for Various Parts during Testing'

3. GB/T 4798.1-2019 'Classification of Environmental Conditions - Classification of Environmental Parameter Groups and Classification of Their Severity - Part 1: Storage'

4. GB/T 2421-2020 'Overview and Guidelines for Environmental Testing'

5. GB/T 2423.27-2020 'Environmental Testing - Part 2: Test Methods, Test Methods and Guidelines: Temperature/Low Pressure or Temperature/Humidity/Low Pressure Combined Tests'

6. GB/T 2423.51-2020 'Environmental Testing - Part 2: Test Methods - Test Ke: Flow Mixed Gas Corrosion Test'

7. GB/T 32065.8-2020 Marine Instruments - Environmental Testing Methods - Part 8: Temperature Change Test

8. GB/T 32065.10-2020 Marine Instruments - Environmental Testing Methods - Part 10: Salt Spray Test

9. GB/T 4797.9-2021 Classification of Environmental Conditions - Natural Environmental Conditions - Shock and Vibration Data Measured during Storage, Transportation, and Use

10. GB/T 2423.33-2021 Environmental Testing Part 2: Test Methods Test Kca: High Concentration Sulfur Dioxide Test

11. GB/T 2423.18-2021 Environmental Testing Part 2: Test Methods Test Kb: Salt Spray, Alternating (Sodium Chloride Solution)

12. NB/T 10279-2019 'Wet and Hot Environmental Conditions for Transmission and Transformation Equipment'

13. NB/T 10280-2019 'Wet and Hot Environmental Conditions and Technical Requirements for State Monitoring Devices Used in Power Grids'

14. YZ/T 0174-2020 Technical Requirements for Cold Chain Delivery Insulation Box

15. T/CPF 0012-2020 Guidelines for Testing Small Transport Packages for Express Delivery

16. T/CPF 0011-2020 Guidelines for Testing Electrical Transportation Packaging in E-commerce Logistics