1、 Packaging Definition:
Transportation packaging refers to the packaging and consolidation methods formed according to certain principles, techniques, and methods to protect products, facilitate storage and transportation, and transmit information during the logistics process, as well as the packaging technical activities carried out.
2、 Application scenario packaging form testing project:
Application Scenario | Executive standards | Test Items |
E-commerce packaging Express packaging Industrial packaging Medical packaging Food packaging Cold chain packaging Military Packaging | National Standard ISTA ASTM | Environmental pre-treatment testing (temperature, humidity and heat) Stacking compression test Packaging clamping force test Free fall test Rotating drop Horizontal/inclined impact test Vibration testing (fixed frequency, sweep frequency, random) Tipping test Rolling test Stability testing Hazardous material impact testing Collision/Impact Testing Low pressure test Forklift handling test Field road test |
3、 Executive standards:
ISTA (International Safe Transit Association) is an international non-profit organization.
ISTA 1 series (non simulated overall performance testing)
ISTA 1A (≤ 68 kg, single packaging, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 1B (>68 kg, single package, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 1C (≤ 68 kg, single packaging, regardless of packaging type, extended test)
ISTA 1D (>68 kg, single packaging, regardless of packaging type, extended test)
ISTA 1E (composite packaging of the same packaging, regardless of packaging type, placed on a pallet)
ISTA 1G (≤ 68 kg, single packaging, regardless of packaging type, random vibration)
ISTA 1H (>68 kg, single packaging, regardless of packaging type, random vibration)
ISTA 2 series (partial simulation performance test)
ISTA 2A (≤ 68 kg, single packaging, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 2B (>68 kg, single package, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 2C (Furniture type boxed packaging, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 3 series (comprehensive simulation performance test)
ISTA 3A (≤ 70 kg, single packaging, standard packaging, packaged for transportation)
ISTA 3A (≤ 70 kg, single packaging, small packaging, packaged transportation)
ISTA 3A (≤ 70 kg, single packaging, flat packaging, packaged for transportation)
ISTA 3A (≤ 70 kg, single packaging, long strip packaging, packaged for transportation)
ISTA 3B (≤ 91 kg, single packaging, standard packaging, less than half load cargo transportation)
ISTA 3B (>91 kg, single packaging, standard packaging, less than load cargo transportation)
ISTA 3B (>91 kg, single packaging, cylindrical packaging, less than load cargo transportation)
ISTA 3E (collective packaging of the same product, with pallets, for transportation of less than one load of goods)
ISTA 3F (sample quantity: 6 pieces, ≤ 45 kilograms, products are transported from the distribution center to various distribution stores, and less than half load goods are transported)
ISTA 3H (suitable for mechanical handling of products or packaging in bulk transportation containers, and transportation of less than half load goods)
ISTA 6 series (member internal testing)
ISTA 6-SAMSLUB Type A (non perishable packaging initially transported through standard or customized pallets, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 6-SAMSLUB Type B (non perishable, initially loaded on the ground, loaded into a transport vehicle or sea container, warehouse quantity of one box or collective packaging, large packaging)
ISTA 6-SAMSLUB Type C (non perishable, initially loaded on the ground, loaded into a transport vehicle or sea container, warehouse quantity of one box or collective packaging, small packaging)
ISTA 6-SAMSLUB Type D (perishable packaging originally transported on pallets)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-A (≤ 67.5kg, single packaging, domestic transportation in the United States, standard packaging)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-A (≤ 67.5kg, single packaging, domestic transportation in the United States, flat packaging)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-A (≤ 67.5kg, single packaging, domestic transportation in the United States, extended packaging)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-A (≤ 67.5kg, single packaging, international transportation, standard packaging)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-A (≤ 67.5kg, single packaging, international transportation, flat packaging)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-A (≤ 67.5kg, single packaging, international transportation, extended packaging)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-B (>67.5kg, single packaging, domestic transportation in the United States, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 6-FEDEX-B (>67.5kg, single packaging, international transportation, regardless of packaging type)
ISTA 6-AMAZON.COM - Over Boxing (regardless of packaging type, 2 samples for non fragile items and 5 samples for fragile items)
ISTA 6-AMAZON.COM-SIOC-Type A (single packaged product, package delivery,<23Kg, perimeter<4.19 meters, perimeter is the length of the packaged product+2 * (width+height))
ISTA 6-AMAZON.COM-SIOC-Type B (single packaged product, package delivery,>23Kg<45Kg, perimeter<4.19 meters, perimeter is the length of the packaged product+2 * (width+height))
ISTA 6-AMAZON.COM-SIOC-Type C (single packaged product, package delivery,>45Kg, perimeter<4.19 meters, perimeter is the length of the packaged product+2 * (width+height))
ISTA 6-AMAZON.COM-SIOC-Type D (single packaged product, less than 45kg, perimeter>4.19 meters, perimeter is the length of the packaged product+2 * (width+height))
The predecessor of the ASTM American Society of Testing Materials was the International Association for Testing Materials (IATM).
Main standards for ASTM packaging testing:
D642 Test Method for Determining the Compressive Resistance of Transport Containers, Components, and Unit Load
D880 Test Method for Impact Testing of Transport Containers and Systems
D951 Test Method for Water Resistance of Transport Containers by the spray Method
D996 Packaging and Distribution Environmental Terminology
Test Method for Vibration Testing of D999 Marine Containers
D4003 Test Method for Programmable Horizontal Impact Testing of Ship Containers and Systems
D4169 Specification for Performance Testing of Transportation Containers and Systems
D4332 Practice for Adjusting Containers, Packaging, or Packaging Components for Testing
D4728 Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Transport Containers
D5265 Test Method for Impact Testing of Bridges
D5276 Test Method for Drop Test of Loading Containers - Free Fall
D5277 Test Method for Programmed Horizontal Impact Using an Oblique Impact Testing Machine
D5487 Test Method for Simulating Loading Containers Using Impact Machines
D6055 Test Method for Mechanically Processed Unitized Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Flat noodles
D6179 Test Method for Rough Machining of Overall Load and Large Shipping Cases and Flat noodles
D6344 Transportation Packaging Concentrated Impact Test Method
D6653 Test Method for Determining the Impact of High Altitude on Packaging Systems by Vacuum Method
3. GB/T 4857
The GB/T 4857 series is widely used in the testing of transportation packaging in China and is a routine inspection standard for transportation packaging in China. The purpose is to simulate and reproduce the hazards that may be encountered during the circulation process.
It mainly includes the following standards:
GB/T 4857.1 Packaging, Transportation, Packaging - Basic Tests - Part 1: Marking Methods for Each Part during Testing
GB/T 4857.2 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 2: Temperature and Humidity Conditioning Treatment
GB/T 4857.3 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 3: Static Load Stacking Test Method
GB/T 4857.4 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 4: Compression and Stacking Test Methods Using a Pressure Testing Machine
GB/T 4857.5 Packaging Transport Packaging - Drop Test Method for Packaging Components
GB/T 4857.6 Packaging - Rolling Test Methods for Transport Packaging
GB/T 4857.7 Packaging, Transportation, Packaging - Basic Tests - Part 7: Sinusoidal Constant Frequency Vibration Test Method
GB/T 4857.9 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 9: Spray Test Method
GB/T 4857.10 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 10: Sinusoidal Variable Frequency Vibration Test Method
GB/T 4857.11 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 11: Horizontal Impact Test Method
GB/T 4857.12 Packaging Transport Packaging - Immersion Test Method for Packaging Components
GB/T 4857.13 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 13: Low Pressure Test Method
GB/T 4857.14 Packaging - Transport packages - Overturning test method
GB/T 4857.17 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 17: General Rules for Developing Performance Test Programs
GB/T 4857.19 Packaging, Transportation, Packaging, and Distribution Test Information Record of Packaging Components
GB/T 4857.20 Packaging and Transportation Packaging - Collision Test Methods for Packaging Components
GB/T 4857.22 Packaging Transportation Packaging Unit Cargo Stability Test Method
GB/T 4857.23 Packaging - Basic Tests for Transport Packaging - Part 23: Random Vibration Test Method
4. Standard for transportation packaging of medical devices
YY/T 0681.15 Test Methods for Packaging of Sterile Medical Devices Part 15: Performance Testing of Transport Containers and Systems
GB/T 14710 Environmental Requirements and Test Methods for Medical Electrical Appliances