4.2.5 GB/T4797.5 Classification of Environmental Conditions Natural Environmental Conditions Precipitation and Wind
This standard specifies the basic characteristics, quantitative description, and classification of precipitation and wind environmental conditions related to electrical and electronic products.
The purpose of this section is to provide background materials for selecting appropriate precipitation and wind related parameters for the severity of the product.
When selecting the appropriate severity of precipitation and wind related parameters for product applications, it is advisable to use the values given in IEC60721-1.
1. Overview
1.1) General Description
The atmosphere on Earth is constantly in motion, and local areas will be heated, cooled, and wetted. As a result, there will be gradients in density, resulting in high-pressure and low-pressure zones. Due to the Coriolis force of Earth's rotation, winds do not blow directly from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions.
The continuous horizontal movement of air promotes slow upward movement in vast areas, or surface heating, causing local rise of hot air. The upward movement of air causes a decrease in pressure and temperature, and when both decrease sufficiently, precipitation forms. For example, at 20 ℃, the maximum water vapor content in the air is 17.3g/m3. If it drops to 0 ℃, the maximum water vapor content in the air is only 4.8g/m3.
1.2) Precipitation
The specific types of precipitation include rain, hail, or snow, all of which are the result of complex changes in cloud cover.
The formation of raindrops or ice crystals depends on various conditions, such as vertical airflow, temperature distribution, and the synthesis process of water droplets or ice crystals within clouds.
1.3) Wind
Wind refers to the lateral movement of the Earth's atmosphere from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas.
Wind is often expressed based on its intensity and the direction in which it blows. Gusts are short-term high-speed winds. Long lasting winds have different names based on their intensity, such as breezes, strong winds, storms, hurricanes, and typhoons. There are also significant differences in the scale of wind formation: thunderstorms that last for tens of minutes, gentle winds that last for several hours caused by surface heating, and global winds caused by differences in solar energy absorption between climate zones. The two main reasons for atmospheric circulation are the difference in heat from the equator to the poles, as well as the rotation of the Earth.
2. Characteristic parameters
2.1) Rainfall
Rainfall is generally described by the following parameters:
——Rainfall intensity (accumulated rainfall height on the horizontal surface), in millimeters per hour (mm/h);
——Raindrop size distribution: typical values are 1mm~2mm in diameter, and in thunderstorms, raindrop sizes may reach 5mm~8mm;
——Distribution of landing speed: typical values are 2m/s~12m/s;
——Raindrop temperature.
Other parameters such as impurities dissolved due to air pollution and sea salt are not considered here, although these parameters may have a significant impact on the product.
Table 1 provides parameters for different types of rain.
Table 1 Characteristics of Rain (Long term Average)
降水类型 | 最大降雨强度(mm/h) |
细雨 | 0.25 |
小雨 | 1.0 |
中雨 | 4.0 |
大雨 | 16 |
暴雨 | 50 |
大暴雨 | >50 |
In general, the temperature of raindrops is the same as the wet bulb temperature ventilated on the wet surface, but there may also be deviations, such as in rain composed of ice crystals or in the early stages of rainfall.
2.2) Hail
Hail is generally described by the following parameters:
——Diameter: typical value 5mm~15mm;
——Density: Typical large hailstones will exceed 800kg/m3, while small hailstones will be less than this value;
——Landing speed;
——Impact energy;
——The typical damping coefficient (Cd) is 0.6, but the irregularity of hail size, shape, and surface roughness can affect its value.
This section only considers larger diameter hailstones as they have destructive effects, but the most common occurrence is smaller diameter hailstones.
The falling speed of hail is calculated by equation (1):
直径mm | 质量g | 降落速度m/s | 冲击能量J |
20 | 4 | 18 | 1 |
50 | 59 | 28 | 24 |
60 | 102 | 31 | 49 |
70 | 162 | 34 | 91 |
80 | 241 | 36 | 155 |
90 | 344 | 38 | 248 |
100 | 471 | 40 | 378 |
注:表中的数值是经过圆整以后的数据。 |
The following values are applied to Table 2: Cd=0.6; ρ= 900 kg/m3 (hail).
2.3) Snow
Snow is formed by water droplets freezing in the form of snow crystals. If blown by strong winds, snow crystals will break into small particles. The density range of newly fallen snow is 70 kg/m3~150 kg/m3, while the density of old snow is generally 400 kg/m3~500 kg/m3, and even up to 910 kg/m3. If the density of snow exceeds 910 kg/m3, it is considered ice. The density of solid snow is usually 600 kg/m3. Wind damage to the shape of snowflakes leads to an increase in snow density, and temperature also increases the density of snow. Due to sedimentation, the density of snow also increases.
2.4) Wind
The wind speed is greatly influenced by the local topography and altitude above the ground. The more uneven the surface, the greater the degree to which the wind speed near the ground is reduced. Therefore, the wind speed near the ground and far from the ground usually differ significantly.
3. Classification
3.1) Overview
Rain, snow, hail, and wind have different impacts on the product, individually, comprehensively, or in combination with other environmental factors.
Below are examples of individual and comprehensive parameters.
3.2) Normal rainfall
Rainfall intensity varies greatly with latitude, climate, and season. Generally speaking, the maximum rainfall intensity occurs in tropical storms and hurricane like storms.
General rainfall includes raindrops of different sizes and velocities. The characteristics of raindrops mainly depend on the temperature and moisture content of the atmosphere, which can cause some or all of the falling raindrops to vaporize. Generally speaking, at higher ground temperatures and relative humidity, the median diameter of raindrops is larger. Therefore, the diameter ratio of raindrops in tropical regions is generally larger than that in Nordic regions.
3.3) Heavy Rain
Heavy rain is a combination of wind and rain. The wind increases the speed at which raindrops fall by another level, and may also cause negative pressure on the packaging. Due to the cooling effect of low temperature rainwater, the rainfall itself will also form negative pressure.
3.4) Ice formation
3.4.1) Overview
Rainwater falling on surfaces below 0 ℃ (for example, due to radiation towards a clear night sky), or the collision of supercooled raindrops, can form ice.
3.4.2) Frost
When moist air comes into contact with surfaces below 0 ℃ and condenses, frost will form. When the wind speed is relatively low, frost often forms. Frost is composed of needle shaped crystals with relatively low surface adhesion.
3.4.3) Rime
Rime is formed by the repeated collision and freezing of supercooled water droplets carried by the wind with objects. Due to the very small and windward growth points attached to the objects, the typical appearance features a 'shrimp tail' shape, showing a white, granular structure. Rime may occur simultaneously with snow, resulting in a large area of objects being covered by snow.
3.4.4) Pure Ice
When supercooled water droplets freeze on a surface, it forms pure ice, hard, transparent or opaque, and can form a layered structure with small pores in the middle. Pure ice generally does not have a specific structure. Pure ice has a compact structure, high density, and strong adhesion. When the temperature is low and the wind speed is high, pure ice will be formed.
3.4.5) Rime
If supercooled rain falls on the surface of an object and forms a water film before freezing, it will produce rime. The density and adhesion of rime are relatively high, without bubbles.
3.4.6) Ice formation process
The type of icing mainly depends on:
——Air temperature;
——Wind speed;
——The diameter of supercooled water droplets;
——Liquid water content.
The freezing of the cylindrical surface depends on:
——Cylinder radius;
——Wind speed;
——Droplet size.
3.5) Hail
Hailstones with a diameter of less than 20mm occur in most parts of the world, while hail with a diameter exceeding 50mm has a lower probability of occurrence.
3.6) Snow load
The maximum snow load generally occurs in the southern regions during colder winters (for the northern hemisphere, the opposite is true for the southern hemisphere), especially in marine climate regions. The snow load intensity in these areas is generally 2kPa, which is equivalent to new snowfall with a height of 2m or old snow with a height of 0.7m. In mountainous areas, the intensity of snow load may reach up to 10 times.
Note: The climate conditions listed here are worldwide and are not suitable for China's national conditions.
3.7) Snow blowing
Snow blowing is a combination of wind and snow. Snow under this condition may contain very fine particles that are sufficient to penetrate the gaps and interfaces of the product. The horizontal flow of snow decreases as the height above the ground increases. Blowing snow can form on the leeward side of an object. One way to eliminate snow blowing is to establish a snow barrier. The effectiveness of a snow barrier depends on its height and distance from the protected object.
3.8) Wind force
The wind force acting on an object depends on the average wind speed, size, and shape of the object. The wind force can be calculated using equation (3):
F= 。。。。。。。。。(3)
空气的密度ρ0,在标准大气压,温度为20℃时,为1.204 kg/m3。
f= 。。。。。。。。。(4)
4.2.6 GB/T4797.6 环境条件分类 自然环境条件 尘、沙、盐雾
——细粒尘 75μm以下;
——粗粒尘 75μm~150μm;
——沙 150μm~1000μm。
表1 几种普通物质的硬度等级
莫氏硬度等级 | 代表物质 | 典型物质 |
1 | 滑石 | 石墨 雪花石膏、硅藻土 |
2 | 石膏 | 高岭石 方铅矿石、云母,(指甲) |
3 | 方解石 | 花岗石、大理石、蛇纹石 霰石、白云石 |
4 | 氟石 | 萤石 |
5 | 磷灰石 | 石棉、蛋白石 |
6 | 正长石 | 磁铁矿石、长石 玛瑙、紫磷酸铁锰矿石、(刀具钢) |
7 | 石英 | 燧石、石英玻璃、橄榄石 红柱石、电石 |
8 | 黄晶 | 金刚砂 |
9 | 刚玉 | 蓝宝石 |
10 | 金刚石 | 钻石 |
表2 典型的沙尘浓度
地区 | 沙尘浓度mg/m3 |
乡村和市郊 | 0.04~0.11 |
城市 | 0.10~0.45 |
工业区 | 0.50~2.00 |较高的沙尘浓度出现在诱发条件下,例如直升机和履带式车辆引起的的情况。附录A说明由直升机和车辆诱发的沙尘浓度的近似值。沙漠上不同高度处的典型沙尘浓度,如表3所示。沙漠中近地层的沙尘在气流中的运动形式见附录B。
表3 沙漠上沙尘浓度随高度增加的变化情况
能见度条件 | 高度m | 沙尘浓度mg/m3 |
晴天,能见度130km | 150 300 600 1200 1800 | 0.21 0.22 0.17 0.14 0.055 |
沙尘暴,能见度300m 风速10m/s~15m/s | 150 300 600 900 1200 | 2.00 17.40 7.00 1.80 0.64 |沙尘浓度及大颗粒出现的机率,随风速的增大而增加。图2说明了这种关系的一般情况,但它随诸如温度、湿度、粒子构成等因素而异。大于150μm的粒子,一般被限制在近地面1m的空气层内。在这层内约有半数沙粒(以质量计)是在地面上10mm内运动的,而另一半,大多数是在近地面上100mm内运动。
图2 沙尘最大颗粒尺寸与风速的关系图
图3 户外大气中含沙量与风速的关系
表4 世界主要沙漠
沙漠名称 | 地理位置 | 面积 x105km2 |
撒哈拉沙漠 | 北非 | 7.8 |
澳大利亚沙漠 | 澳大利亚 | 3.4 |
阿拉伯沙漠 | 阿拉伯东南岸 | 2.6 |
土耳其斯坦沙漠 | 前苏联西南部 | 1.9 |
北美沙漠 | 美国与墨西哥 | 1.3 |
巴塔哥尼亚寒漠 | 阿根廷 | 0.7 |
塔尔沙漠 | 印度和巴基斯坦 | 0.6 |
卡拉哈利沙漠 | 南非 | 0.6 |
伊朗沙漠 | 伊朗 | 0.4 |
阿塔卡马-秘鲁沙漠 | 智利和秘鲁 | 0.4 |
塔克拉玛干沙漠 | 中国 | 0.3 |
表5 我国主要沙漠及其地理位置和面积
沙漠名称 | 地理位置 | 海拔 m | 面积 x103km2 |
塔克拉玛干沙漠 | 新疆塔里木盆地 | 840~1200 | 337.6 |
吉尔班通古特沙漠 | 新疆准噶尔盆地 | 300~600 | 48.8 |
库姆塔格沙漠 | 新疆东部、甘肃西部;罗布泊低地南部,阿尔金山北部 | 1000~1200 | 22.8 |
柴达木盆地沙漠(包括沙蚀地) | 青海柴达木盆地 | 2600~3400 | 34.9 |
巴丹吉林沙漠 | 内蒙古阿拉善高原西部 | 1300~1800 | 44.3 |
腾格里沙漠 | 内蒙古阿拉善高原东南部 | 1400~1600 | 42.7 |
乌兰布和沙漠 | 内蒙古阿拉善高原东北部,黄河河套平原西南部 | 1000 | 9.9 |
库布齐沙漠 | 内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原北部,黄河河套平原西南部 | 1000~1200 | 12.1 |
毛乌素沙地 | 内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原中南部和陕西北部 | 1300~1600 | 32.1 |
浑善达克(小腾格里)沙地 | 内蒙古高原东部的锡林郭勒盟南部和昭乌达盟西北部 | 1200 | 21.4 |
科尔沁沙地 | 东北平原西部的西辽河下游 | 100~300 | 42.3 |
呼伦贝尔沙地 | 内蒙古东北部的呼伦贝尔高平原 | 600 | 7.2 |
图4 在中等强度风的内陆地区风的出现情况
图5 起沙风的出现次数与风速频率的关系
图6 静态空气中粒子的沉降速度
表6 典型的沙尘沉降密度
地区 | 沙尘沉积量 mg/m2*h |
乡村和郊区 | 0.4~15 |
城市 | 15~40 |
工业区 | 40~80 |